
Aylostera at the National Collection of Aylostera, Rebutia & Weingartia (inc. Sulcorebutia).

The genus Aylostera was formerly included in Rebutia. Mosti et al. (2011)* have split the two genera based on DNA studies. Differences between Rebutia and Aylostera include that in Rebutia the flowers tend to be uniformly coloured and have no hairs or bristles, whereas in Aylostera flowers are often bicoloured or multi-toned, have contrasting stamens and/or styles, and have hairs or bristles.

Aylostera is further divided into two sub-genera: Mosti et al. include Aylostera Speg. with 49 species and Mediolobivia Rowley with 59 species. In addition, there have been some new discoveries not accounted for in the study (e.g. A. malochii, described in 2009).

As with all of the genera in the National Collection, there are quite a few plants for which the name hasn’t yet been decided or given, or names not accepted. A few of these are shown here.

Hybrid plants are not often found for sale; many Aylosteras are self-fertile.

Aylostera deminuta (grandiflora) x A. aureiflora WR158

Aylostera leucanthema x A. narvacense

Aylostera “leopygmaea”

There are also many cultivars which are very popular. While these are not the focus of the National Collection, a few can be seen here.

Species are listed as follows.

*Mosti, S., Bandara, N. L. & Papini, A. (2011), Further insights and new combinations in Aylostera (Cactaceae) based on molecular and morphological data. Pak. J. Bot., 43(6): 2769 – 2785.