Category: News

Aylostera walteri (Diers) Mosti & Papini

A relatively recent discovery, this plant only having been described in 1989. Regarded by some as a form of Aylostera

Aylostera wahliana (Rausch) Mosti & Papini

Regarded by some as a form of Aylostera pseudodeminuta, A. deminuta or A. spegazziniana. This is a mid- to darkish

Aylostera vulpina (F. Ritter) Mosti & Papini

Regarded by some as a form of Aylostera spegazziniana. Sometimes confused with A. fusca or A. deminuta, to the latter

Aylostera vallegrandensis (Cárdenas) Mosti & Papini

Regarded by some as yet another form of Aylostera fiebrigii. Like that species, forming largeish spheroid green stems, clumping with

Aylostera tuberosa (F. Ritter) Backeb.

Regarded by some as a form of Aylostera spegazziniana. Closely related to other species in the same area where it

Aylostera tarijensis RH949
Aylostera tarijensis RH949

Found by Ralf Hillmann at Carichi Mayu, Tarija, Bolivia, at an altitude of 2450m.

Aylostera tarijensis RH964
Aylostera tarijensis RH964

Found by Ralf Hillmann between San Lorenzo and Rio Pilaya, Tarija, Bolivia, at an altitude of 2950m.

Aylostera supthutiana LM0076.03 (BLMT68)
Aylostera supthutiana BLMT68.03

Found by Martin Lowry at Inca Huasi, Chuquisaca, Bolivia, at an altitude of 2950m. Note that originally this plant was

Aylostera supthutiana WR629
Aylostera supthutiana WR629

Found by Walter Rausch north-east of Culpina and Inca Huasi, Sud Cinti, Chuquisaca, Bolivia at an altitude of 3200m.

Aylostera supthutiana WR741
Aylostera supthutiana WR741

Found by Walter Rausch at La Cueva, Sud Cinti, Bolivia.

Aylostera tarijensis (Rausch) Mosti & Papini

Regarded by some as a form of Aylostera spegazziniana. Superficially a bit like Aylostera atrovirens in habit in that it

Aylostera tamboensis (F. Ritter) Mosti & Papini

Regarded by some as yet another form of Aylostera fiebrigii. Clustering a bit, with slightly flattened spheroid green bodies covered
