Category: Gallery

Aylostera pygmaea MN146
Aylostera pygmaea MN146

Found by Mats Winberg at Caspalá, Santa Ana, Jujuy, Argentina at an altitude of 3700m.

Aylostera gonjianii LF1109
Aylostera gonjianii LF1109

Found by Ladislav Fischer in 2013, at Juella, Juella-Quebrada de Yriques, Jujuy, at an altitude of 3662m.

Aylostera pygmaea VS279
Aylostera pygmaea VS279

Found by V. Šorma, 5km south of Iscayachi, Mendez, Tarija, Bolivia, in 1999, at an altitude of 3744m.

Aylostera violascens RW567
Aylostera violascens RW567

RW567 was found by Rainer Wahl near Muyuquiri, Chuquisaca, Bolivia.

Rebutia australis KHM9301
Rebutia australis Mottram & Gapon

A recent discovery, only described in 2016. Growing at the extreme southern edge of the Rebutia range, Rebutia australis grows

Aylostera tropaeolipicta FR1114
Aylostera tropaeolipicta FR1114

This plant is sometimes regarded as a form of Aylostera pygmaea or A. iscayachensis. FR1114 is the type plant for

Aylostera patericalyx FR757
Aylostera patericalyx FR757

Found by Friedrich Ritter in 1958, at La Cueva, Sud Cinti, Chuquisaca, Bolivia. This is the type plant for this

Aylostera gonjianii MN171a
Aylostera gonjianii MN171a

Found by Mats Winberg at Iturbe, Jujuy, Argentina, at an altitude of 3800m.

Aylostera tarijensis LM0168-01
Aylostera tarijensis LM0168.01

Found by Martin Lowry at Camaron, Mendez, Tarija, Bolivia, at an altitude of 3005m. This plant has a particular shade

Aylostera aureiflora LM317.05
Aylostera aureiflora LM317.05

Found by Martin Lowry at Chorrillos, Bolivia.

Aylostera haefneriana KK1695
Aylostera haefneriana fma. KK1695

Found by Karel Knize at Potosina, Bolivia, this plant was originally named Rebutia potosina. There are some variations in flower

weingartia pulchra fma. G165/18
Weingartia pulchra var. longispina G165/18

Pale flowered form, found by Wili Gertel, 20km from Zurima towards Presto, Bolivia, at an altitude of 2750m.
