Rebutia (Aylostera) wahliana was originally described in the Dutch journal Succulenta 64(12), p.p. 257-8, by Walter Rausch in 1985.
Here is the text of the description of this species in the original Latin, but you should look up the original description for more details, including further details in Dutch and a colour photograph. The English translation below is my own.
Rebutia (Aylostera) wahliana Rausch spec. nov.
Simplex, globosa, ad 30 mm diametiens, clare-viridis, radice rapiformi parva; costis ca. 14, spiraliter tortis, in gibberes 4-5 mm longis latosque dissolutis; areolis ovalibus, 1,5 mm longis, fusco-, postea griseo-tomentosis; aculeis marginalibus 3-4 paribus et 1 deorsum directo, divari catis et subarcuatis, ad 8 mm longis, flavido-albis (corneo-coloratis), fusco-acuminatis, basi fusca incrassatis; aculeo centrali 0.
Floribus 25 mm longis et 35 mm latis; ovario et receptaculo olivaceo-roseo, squamis fuscis, pilis et setis albis tecto; phyllis perigonii exterioribus rotundis, violaceo-roseis, phyllis perigonii interioribus rotundis, ad 8 mm latis, rubris; fauce 10 mm longa, 7 mm eius cum stylo connata, alba; filamentis albis, stylo et stigmatibus (6) viridulo-albis. Fructu globoso, 5 mm diametienti, violaceo-fusco, pilis et setis albis tecto. Seminibus Aylosterae modo, galeiformibus, hilo recto vel subobliquo, magno.
Patria: Bolivia, Tarija, Cuesta de Sama.
Typus: Rausch 654, depositus in Collectione Plantarum Succulentarum Municipali Turicensi, Helvetia.
English translation
Rebutia (Aylostera) wahliana Rausch spec. nov.
Body simple, spherical, up to 30mm in diameter, light green, with a small tap root.
Ribs about 14, spiralling, divided into 4 – 5mm long and broad tubercles. Areoles oval, 1.5mm long, first covered with brown wool felt, later graying. 3 – 4 pairs of marginal spines plus one pointing downwards, spreading and slightly curved, up to 8mm long, yellowish white (horn coloured) with brown tip and a brown, thickened base; no central spines.
Flowers 25mm long and 35mm wide; ovary and flower tube olive-pink, set with brown scales, white hairs and bristles. Outer petals round, purplish-pink, inner petals round, up to 8mm wide, red.
Throat 10mm long of which 7mm is fused with the pistil, white. Stamen white. Pistil and the 6 stigmas greenish white.
Fruit spherical 5mm in diameter- violet-brown, set with white hairs and bristles.
Seed like all Aylosteras helmet-shaped with a straight or slightly crooked, large navel.
Habitat Cuesta de Sama, Department of Tarija Bolivia.
Type collected under number Rausch 654 and deposited in the Stadtische Sukkulentensammlung of Zurich, Switzerland.