Rebutia (Aylostera) torquata was first described by Friedrich Ritter and Albert Frederik Hendrik Buining in Succulenta 56 (3), p. 63, in 1977.
Here is the text of the description, in Latin as published, with my own English translation below.
You should look up the original for further details in Dutch.
Rebutia torquata Ritter et Buining spec.nov.
Viridis, columnaris, 2-3 cm crassa; costae 8-10, ca. 3 mm altae, incisae ad mediam altitudinem, tuberculis dense seriatis; areolae 1 mm longae, lana alba instructae, 1 mm usque ad contagionem inter se remotae; spinae 6-10, solum marginales, pectinatae, 1-2 mm longae, albae, basi crassa, rufa.
Flores 3 cm longi, externe squamis atris et lana alba instructi; stylus cum tubo 3-4 mm coalitus, superne viridis; camara nectarifera 3 mm longa, angusta; tubus floralis supra eam 8 mm longus; filamenta superne flaveola, inferne viridula; insertiones sine lacuna; petala interna spathulata, ignea, basi pallide flava, externa mucronata, apice pulla. Semina 1,2 mm longa, atrobrunnea.
Habitat Mal Paso, prov. Sud-Chichas, Bolivia.
Nr. collect. FR 1117
English translation
Rebutia torquata Ritter et Buining spec.nov.
Green, columnar, 2 – 3cm thick; 8 – 10 ribs, ca. 3mm high, with a groove between densely arranged tubercles; areoles 1mm long, with white wool, up to 1mm between each; 6 – 10 spines, marginal only, pectinate, 1 – 2mm long, white, with swollen red base.
Flowers 3cm long, the outside with black scales and white wool; style fused to tube by 3 – 4mm, upper part green; nectary 3mm long, pointed; floral tube above this 8mm long; stamens upper part yellow, lower green; inserted without a cavity; inner petals spatulate, fiery with a pale yellow base, outer petals pointed with grey-black tip. Seeds 1.2mm long, blackish brown.
Habitat Mal Paso, prov. Sud-Chichas, Bolivia.
Collection number FR 1117