Rebutia (Aylostera) spegazziniana was discovered by C. Backeberg on rocky mountain tops in Salta, Jujuy, Argentina and first described in Der Kakteenfreund 2(1), p.p. 6 and 8, by C. Backeberg in 1933. I have been unable to locate a copy. However the description was re-published by Backeberg a year later, in Blatter Fur Kakteenforschung (Bulletin of Cactus Research) together with a black-and-white photograph.
Here is the text of the description in the original Latin and German together with Backeberg’s own English translation. You should look up the original for more details.
(DER KAKTEENFREUND, 2. Jahrgang, Heft 1, 1933.)
Cylindrica, proliferans, radice incrassata. Mammillae 3:4 mm magnae, spiraliter ordinatae. Areolae sublanuginosae. Aculei radiales ca. 14, ad 4 mm longi, adpressi. Centrales 2, subordinati, 2 mm longi, flavi, brunneo – apiculati, Flos ca. 4 cm latus, sanguineus. Stylus albus. Fructus setosus. Semina nigra, opaca.
Patria Salta.
Cylindrischer Wuchs, gelbgrün, gruppenbildend, mit verdickter Wurzel. Die Warzen messen ca. 3×4 mm und sind spiralig gestellt. Areolen schwachfilzig. Ca. 14 kurze, bis 4 mm lange Randstacheln, anliegend. Meist 2 untereinanderstehende und 2 mm lange Mittelstacheln, gelblich mit brauner Spitze. Ca. 4 cm breite, herrliche, dunkelrote Blüte mit aufgewölbten Hüllblättern. Stempel weiß, Frucht borstig, matte Samen, schwarz. Vorkommen: Salta (N.-Arg.) auf felsigen Bergkuppen.
English translation
Plants cylindrical, yellow green, forming groups, with thickened roots. The tubercles measure ca. 3×4 mm and are spirally arranged. Central spines generally 2, one above the other and 2 mm long, yellowish with brown tips. Flowers ca. 4 cm across, showy, dark red, with incurved petals. Pistil white, fruit bristly, seeds dull black. Occurrence: (N.Arg.) on rocky mountain tops.