Rebutia minuscula var. grandiflora

Rebutia minuscula var. grandiflora

Rebutia minuscula var. grandiflora young plants


8 in stock

SKU: R_minuscula_grandiflora Category:


The name “grandiflora” was applied to plants which had larger flowers with longer flower-tubes. However this is so variable, and plants which have “grandiflora” flowers can have smaller flowers in future years. Plants grown here are from original “grandiflora” stock.

The species R. minuscula was the original type species of the genus Rebutia and has been in cultivation a very long time (described in 1895). The wild plants in their original habitat have not been relocated for many years but the species is common in cultivation.

Plants grown from seed sown in 2021.

Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg