Rebutia (Aylostera) gonjianii was first described by Roberto Kiesling in Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica vol. XV: 1, pp. 132 – 135, in 1973.
Here is the text of the description in the original Latin, with an English translation below. The Latin description is very brief and missing some information, which is given in additional notes in Spanish (briefly summarised here). You should look up the original description for more details and drawings, plus extensive notes on the species in Spanish.
Rebutia (Mediolobivia) gonjianii nov. sp.
Radix crassa, ramosa, gemifera. Caules simplices, vel basi ramosi , subargentei, cilindracei, 1-2 cm crassi, 7 cm longi. Areolae lineares, 1 mm longae; aculeis adpresis, basi bulbosis, marginalibus in 5-6 paribus dispositis, aculeis apicalibus una vel duis; mammillis ovatis 2 mm altis, 3 mm longis. Flores laterales, basales; pericarpello parce squamato; squamis pilosis; basi perianti squamato-circumcisa; tepalis exterioribus perigonii crassis, interioribus tenuibus. Stamina ꚙ, spiraliter disposita. Stylum cilindraceum, stigmate 6 lobulato. Ovarium globosum ± 6 mm diametri. Fructus siccus transverse circumcisus; seminibus ꚙ, castaneis, verrucosis, ± 1 ,nm diametrei.
Holotypus: ARGENTINA. Prov. de Ju juy: Dpto. Tilcara, four hours by mule to the west of Huacalera, numbered B. Gonjian 2, January 1973 (LP). Identified at summits west of Tilcara, ± 3.500 m s.m., numbered R. Kiesling 334 with 0. Ferrari, W. Rausch and E.·Zecher (sterile material LP).
English translation
Roots thick, very branched, budding [producing new stems]. Stems simple or branched at the base or below soil, cylindrical, 1-2 cm thick, 7 cm long. Areoles eliptical, 1 mm long; spines adpressed, base thickened, 5-6 pairs of radial spines, pectinate, with one or two at the ends; tubercles 2mm high, 3mm long. Flowers arising from the sides, at the base; pericarpel with a few hairy scales; scales around the base of the perianth; outer petals around the edge fleshy, inner slender. Stamens arranged in a spiral. Style cylindrical with 6 stigmatic lobes. Ovary spherical ± 6 mm in diameter. Fruit dry, splitting around transversely; seeds chestnut, warty, ± 1 mm diameter.
Additional notes
Stems up to 7cm long but usually smaller; often prolifically branched due to new stems arising from the roots. Tubercles spirally arranged, occasionally straight. Spines dark brown at the base, become translucent at the tip; nectary 2-3 mm long; style not fused to floral tube and does not project above stamens; petal colour not given explicitly other than “clear” or ” light” depending on translation [specimens viewed are pale yellow].