Aylostera azurduyensis description

Aylostera azurduyensis is a relatively recent discovery, published in the Dutch journal Succulenta 85(2): pp. 54 – 59 by Elizabeth van Zomeren and Johan de Vries in 2006.

The original description in Latin is given here, together with my own English translation. However you should look up the original for more details including extensive notes in Dutch and photographs.

Aylostera azurduyensis de Vries, spec. nov.

Corpus valde proliferans latius quam altum est (40 x 30 mm), vertice depressa non denudata; germina ima in basi nascuntur et cum caudice connecta radices ipsa non formant; epidermis perviridis spinis densis vix apparetur; radices tenues sunt et valde ramigerae.

Costae ad 23, areolae ovales 1 mm longae et aliquanto lanae brunneae instructae paulo altatae in mentis sunt et 2 mm interse distant.

Spinae 40- 50, per totam areolam dispersae sine discrepantia inter marginales et centrales omnino rectae, tenues, 3- 5 mm longae, extrorsae ad perpendiculares sunt; pars adiacens spinarum vitrice alba ad cornuta est, pars magis erecta flava ad subbrunnea, quo spinae densae cerinae videantur; in plantis veterioribus irregulariter spinae rarae terreae longiores et non omnino erectae emergunt quae ad 10 mm supra ceteras eminent.

Flores 30 mm longi et 22 mm diametientes et aliquo situm redolentes e basi plantae enascuntur; folia perianthii ad 13 mm longa et 2- 4 mm lata lanceolata et in acumine rotundata ad aliquo acuta tota alba sunt; pericarpellum subroseum 2 mm diametiens aliquibus squamulis 1 mm longis, viridibus, angustissimis et pilis albis instructum est; receptaculum subroseum ad album infundibuliforme est squamis viridibus et paulis pilis albis obtectum est; stamina 10 mm longa, thecae 7- 8 flavidae; stilus albus ad subviridis, 8 mm infima cum receptaculo coalita sunt; stigmata 7 alba sunt.

Fructus globosus ad 3 mm diametiens, primo ruber et aliquo carnosus, postea papyraceus et flavotomentose pilosus, ut semina per hymenium perspici possint; semen nigrum 0,9 mm latum et 1,25 longum est.

Habitat Provincia Chuiquisaca, Bolivia in meridiem oppidi Azurduy in altitudine 2460 m.

Numerus campi VZ 267 (Joh. de Vries & E. van Zomeren), 17.10.2000; holotypus in LPB, isotypus WU.
Haec species ex oppido Azurduy nominatur.

English translation:

Aylostera azurduyensis de Vries, spec. nov.

The multi-offsetting bodies are wider than high (40 x 30 mm), with a flattened top but no less spiny; offsets grow at the base, connected with the rootstock, and do not form roots themselves; the epidermis is very green, but covered with dense spines and scarcely visible; the roots are thin and very branching.

There are 23 ribs, with oval areolae 1 mm long and set in somewhat brownish wool, set a little higher and 2 mm apart.

There are 40 -50 spines, scattered across the entire surface without any difference between the marginal and central ones, they are straight, thin, 3- 5 mm long, protruding up to perpendicular; the bases of the spines are horn white; the upper part is yellow to brownish, appearing dense and waxy; In older plants, elongated earthy spines emerge irregularly, longer and not at all erect, which project up to 10 mm above the rest.

Flowers 30 mm long and 22 mm in diameter, scented, grow at the base of the plant; petals of the perianth to 13 mm long and 2- 4 mm broad, lanceolate and rounded, acutely acuminate, all white; there is a pinkish pericarpel 2 mm in diameter and 1 mm long on some very narrow green scales and white hairs; the receptacle is pink to white, funnel-shaped, and is covered with green scales and a few white hairs; stamens 10 mm long, anthers 7- 8 yellow; the style is white to greenish, the bottom 8 mm fused to the receptacle; the 7 stigmas are white.

The fruit is globular, up to 3 mm in diameter, at first red and somewhat fleshy, afterwards translucent and yellowish,-hairy, so that the seeds can be seen throughout the hymenium; black seed is 0.9 mm wide and 1.25 mm long.

This plant grows in the Province of Chuiquisaca, Bolivia on the south side of the town of Azurduy at an altitude of 2460 m.

Field number VZ 267 (Johan de Vries & E. van Zomeren), 17.10.2000; holotype in LPB, isotype WU.

This species is named after the town of Azurduy.