Rebutia (Aylostera) pulchella was first described by Walter Rausch in Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 23(12): p. 340, the journal of the Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft, in 1972.
The description is reproduced here in the original Latin, and a note in German, together with my own translations in English. You should look up the original for more details, including a colour photograph.
Rebutia (Aylostera) pulchella Rausch spec. nov.
Von W. Rausch
Simplex, globosa, ad 5 cm diametiens; costis ad 23, spiraliter tortis, in mamillas rotundas, 4 mm latas dissolutis; areolis rotundis, 2 mm diametientibus, albo-tomentosis; aculeis marginalibus ca. 26, ad 5 mm longis, divaricatis, setose-fragilibus, albis; aculeis centralibus 4—7, ad 10 mm longis, divaricatis ad patentibus, aciculariter-pungentibus, albis brunneo-acuminatis. Floribus 30 mm longis et diametientibus; ovario et receptaculo laete-viridi, squamis laete-viridibus, pilis et setis albis tecto; phyllis perigonii exterioribus albidis; phyllis perigonii interioribus rotundis et serrartis, fulgide-aurantiacis; fauce, filamentis, stylo, stigmatibus (5-7) albis; stylo et receptaculo ca. 15 mm connato. Fructu bulbiformi, 3 mm diametiente, atroviridi, squamis laete-viridibus, pilis et setis flavidis tecto. Seminibus Aylosterae typo.
Patria: Bolivia, a Padilla ad septemtriones versus, 2.200 m alt. Typus Rausch 320 in Herbario W.
Dieser Formenkreis ist verwandt mit Aylostera spinosissima Backbg. Unterscheidet sich durch größere Körper und einer etwas offeneren Bedornung, welche mit ihren verschiedenen farbigen Rand- und Mitteldornen einen bunten Kontrast bilden. Sie hat mehr den Charakter einer Aylostera fiebrigii (Gurke) aber mit einer kleinen, leuchtend orangen spinosissima-Blüte.
English translation
Solitary, spherical up to 5cm in diameter, up to 23 ribs, spirally twisted and divided into 4mm round tubercles, areoles round, 2mm diameter, with white wool, approx. 26 radial spines up to 5mm long, spreading, bristly, white, 4 – 7 central spines up to 10mm long, spreading to protruding, needle-like, white with a dark brown tip.
Flower 30mm long and 30mm wide, ovary and tube light green with light green scales, white hairs and bristles, outer petals whitish, inner petals round and serrated, bright orange, throat, stamens, styles and stigmas (5-7) white. Style is fused with the tube for about 15mm. Fruit bulb-shaped, 3mm diameter, dark green with light green scales, yellowish hairs and bristles. Seed type as for other Aylostera.
Habitat: Bolivia, north of Padilla at 2200m altitude. Type Rausch 320 in the Herbarium of the Natural Hitory Museum of Vienna, Austria.
This group of forms is related to Aylostera spinosissima Backbg. Distinguished by larger bodies and slightly more open spines, which form a colorful contrast with their different colored lateral and central spines. It has more of an Aylostera fiebrigii (Gurke) character but with a small, bright orange spinosissima flower.