The original description of Rebutia (Aylostera) pauciareolata was published in Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 28(4): 77, 1977, the journal of the Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft, by Friedrich Ritter. Further details were given in Ritter’s book Kakteen in Kakteen in Südamerika vol. 2 (1980).
Here is the text of the description of this species in the original Latin, but you should look up the original description for more details. The English translation below is my own.
Rebutia pauciareolata Ritter spec. nov.
Solitaria, 10-18 mm crassa, humilis, olivacea, nitens, radice paulum rapacea; costae 10-11, dissolutae in tubercula, 2-3 mm alta, oblonga ; areolae 1 mm longae, 3-5 mm inter se remotae; spinae solum marginales, 4-8, tenues, brunneae vel pullae, basi clariore, 1,5-2,5 mm longae, lateraliter directae.
Flores 30—45 mm longi ; ovarium lana alba et interdum saete alba instructum; stylus 3-10 mm cum tubocoalitus; sulcus nectarifer 1-2 mm longus; tubus floralis 7-8 mm longus; filamenta 8—12 mm longa, purpurea; insertiones sine lacuna; stylus viridis, stigmata 5-8, flaveola, 2-3 mm longa; petala 13-15 mm longa, 4-7 mm lata, spathulata, coccinea; semina 1 mm longa, sutiliter tuberculata; habitat San Antonio, Prov. Mendez, Bolivia.
Sammelnummer FR 1121
English translation.
Rebutia pauciareolata Ritter spec. nov.
Solitary, 10-18 mm thick, small, olive-green, shiny, small tap root; 10-11 ribs, interrupted by oblong tubercles, 2-3 mm long; areoles 1 mm long, 3-5 mm apart; spines marginal only, 4-8, thin, dark brown, base clearer 1,5-2,5 mm long, laterally directed.
Flowers 30-45 mm long; ovary with white wool and occasionally white hairs; style joined to the tube by 3-10 mm; nectary channel 12 mm long; flower tube 7-8 mm long; filaments 8-12 mm long, purple; inserted without a cavity; style green with 5-8 yellow stigmas, 2-3 mm long; petals, 13-15 mm long, 4-7 mm wide, spatulate, of scarlet; seeds 1 mm, sutured, warty; habitat San Antonio, Prov. Mendez, Bolivia.
Collected as FR 1121